Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Babies Comin' Up

The very first seedlings have emerged!! Here's the tiny first loops of green onions poking through the starter mix:
(I did the first happy dance of the year when I spotted them.)

Just seeded the leeks and bulb onions on the weekend up at Caitlin's greenhouse. The leeks are quite the investment. It's amazing to think that something I started on a snowy March day won't be filling our bellies until October when the snow may just be flying again.

PS Just this afternoon I pulled an installment of 2010 leeks out of storage & they're still looking good.


  1. Just discovered your blog and interested in how a year in the life of a CSA looks. Not sure the full CSA principle would work here in Latvia as there are not many who can afford a whole year of vegetables in one year but I will look for ways of making it possible. So my first question is how do you store leeks?

  2. Leeks store well partially buried in moist dirt. But I actually got away with just wrapping them in a damp sheet this year! They like it cold (as close to 0C as possible)

  3. Thank you. That probably explains why we got away with letting them over winter under a blanket of snow - as long as the deer didn't get there first though. Just they are not terribly accessible under 30 inches of snow

  4. Hi Angie, Do you have any ground cherries seedlings this year. I think we picked up 24 seedlings from you last year from my aunt. We would love to do the same this year if it is not to late. (
