What is the Debate About?
Thursday, March 10, 2011,
7:00 p.m.
Italian Canadian Club
135 Ferguson Street, Guelph
Presentations will be made by a variety of proferssors, the Organic Council of Ontario, and the president of Croplife Canada, and will be followed by question and answer period from the audience.
I've been writing a lot of letters on this subject recently. First, in support of Bill C-474 (a Private Members Bill which would have required that “an analysis of potential harm to export markets be conducted before the sale of any new genetically engineered seed is permitted.”), which was unfortunately voted down; and now in favour of a moratorium on GM alfalfa.

Organic livestock & dairy farmers in particular stand to lose everything, since there is no substitute for alfalfa as feed, and cross-contamination of organic pastures could result in a loss of certification for organic livestock producers.
The crazy thing is, even conventional farmers don't NEED herbicides for alfalfa crops, since it is quite capable of out-competing weeds. Therefore, the "need" for GM alfalfa (modified for herbicide resistance) is clearly for the benefit of multinational seed companies, not farmers - conventional and organic alike.
OK. So here's the GOOD news:
On March 3, Liberal members of the House of Commons Agriculture Committee tabled a motion calling for a moratorium on the approval of genetically modified (GM) alfalfa in Canada!
What can you do?
1. Write the Agriculture Committee members and your local MP asking them to support a moratorium. You can do this easily (and learn a lot more about GE Alfalfa) at the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network website.
2. Come to a public forum on the issue Thursday, March 10th in Guelph (see above) which is being organized by Frank Valeriot, Liberal MP for Guelph and member of the Agriculture and Agri-Foods Committee. There is a bus being organized from KW which you can reserve a spot on by emailing Jacob[at]organiccouncil.ca. This is a really key opportunity to communicate to federal politicians that Canadians care about the GM issue!! The Committee wants to see if there is as much support as they are beginning to suspect there may be... Please come. (There is an event invitation on facebook, so please invite your friends)
Some other organic farmers in the area blogging about the importance of this issue:
But then think about the poor biotech CEOs!
ReplyDeleteWho is going to pay for their private jets?